The Big Heff Experience


On March 15th Big Heff is premiering his documentary about his journey through the music industry called “The Big Heff Experience.”

“I wanted to show my journey to the next generation so they can carry the torch.” -Quincy “Big Heff” Taylor

“This documentary contributes to this generation to show that you don’t always have to be in the spotlight to make big moves. Sometimes the biggest impact comes from the person that’s behind the lights.” – Johnny Lumpkin, Director & Editor

From 2001 when Quincy Taylor started working in the music industry with Landspeed records, he became a very influential person in the music industry. Then in 2014, Quincy joined up with Def Jam Records as the Ohio Valley Region Rep. The documentary shows various details and opportunities and obstacles that got him where he is now.

Keep up with Big Heff’s day to day life:

Instagram: @Bigheffmidwestfresh

Twitter: @Bigheff

Big Heff’s Youtube Channel