Ski Mask The Slump God Flips On ‘Beware The Book of Eli’


Despite the management issues going on with Ski Mask and the leak on Soundcloud, Mr. Slump God dropped Beware The Book of Eli and it SLAPS!  If you don’t have a sense of humor and you don’t like to get lil crazy with your music this might not be for you.

This young generation of rappers is a new wave that has a whole new style and rhyme patterning that seemingly has a random cadence and structure, but listen a few times and there’s something deeper beneath the surface.   With songs like “Coolest Monkey in The Jungle” re: H&M’s advertising fiasco and “Suicide Season” amidst Mental Health Awareness Month this May, this project will make you re-examine and listen a little more closely.

One of the highlights gotta be “DoIHaveTheSause?” – that shit goes fam.